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Syllabusap Calculus

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Syllabus of ap calculus
Syllabusap Calculus

Welcome to Mathematics E-15: Calculus 1

Course Information: personnel, textbook, grading, calculators, extra help, accessibility services
Schedule of Topics: what we'll be learning each week
Schedule of Assignments: when homework is due and when exams take place
Homework Policies: how to submit your homework and not lose points unnecessarily
Exam Policies: how and where to take exams and how to submit proctor information for distance students
Textbook FAQ: answers to textbook-related questions students often ask (and tips to get an inexpensive book)
Prerequisite FAQ: recommended background, the optional placement test, course preparation suggestions
Credit Status FAQ: information to help you choose undergraduate, graduate, or noncredit status
Online-only course FAQ: how we designed this online-only version of Math E-15 specifically for online learners
Questionnaire: please either (1) download this file, fill it in and save it on your own machine, then upload it to Canvas (below) or (2) print it out, write in your answers, and then upload a scan or photo to Canvas. [All questionnaire responses will be kept confidential. The questionnaire is a way for me to get to know you; you are welcome to skip any questions you choose.]
Additional Problems(4th edition, 5th edition, 6th edition): suggested extra problems from the three most recent editions of the recommended textbook
Graduate Credit Information: format, grading, and goals for the seminar for graduate credit students.
Graduate Credit Handouts (print each before watching the video):Day One • Day Two • Day Three • Day Four, the Supplementfor extra reading on limits, the applet we will use to explore the epsilon-delta definition of the limit
Graduate Credit Lessons: Lesson Ideas topics for your lessons, the rubric for the lessons you will present
Week One Content

If you haven't registered and would like a small taste of what this online-only course is like, you can access the Week One videos and interactive applets below. As a registered student, you would also have access to

  • chalkboard photos from the end of each video and a list of key ideas for each video
  • discussion prompts for each applet where you can answer a question and read other students' answers
  • multiple Check Your Understanding quizzes each week that allow you to test if you have learned the material without affecting your grade (and get specific feedback tailored to any incorrect answer you provide and a chance to take the quiz again
  • a discussion board for each week where you can post comments and questions and read what your classmates have posted
  • a convenient navigation bar so you can easily move between various parts of the course content for each week
  • all the video content for the entire course, available as soon as you register
  1. video: Introduction to Precalculus Review
  2. video: What is a Function?
  3. video: Linear Functions
  4. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  5. video: Exponential Functions, Part 1
  6. applet: Graphs of Exponential Functions
  7. video: Exponential Functions, Part 2
  8. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  9. video: Compound Interest
  10. applet: A Compound Interest Problem
  11. video: A Special Number
  12. video: New Functions from Old Functions
  13. video: The Graph of y=f(x)+k
  14. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of f(x)+k
  15. video: The Graph of y=kf(x)
  16. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=kf(x)
  17. video: The Graph of y=f(x+k)
  18. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=f(x+k)
  19. video: The Graph of y=f(kx)
  20. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=f(kx)
  21. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  22. video: Composite Functions
  23. video: Inverse Functions, Part 1
  24. applet: How are the graphs of f(x) and its inverse related?
  25. video: Inverse Functions, Part 2
  26. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  27. Graduate Seminar Videos:

We will be using Zoom for the graduate seminar presentations for distance graduate credit students. Harvard has provided contact informationfor you to get help if you have technical difficulties with Zoom.

Eric has written some suggestions on using Zoom including some important notes on presenting your lessons.

Calculus BC is a full-year course in the calculus of functions of a single variable. It includes all topics covered in Calculus AB plus additional topics. Both courses represent college-level mathematics for which most colleges grant advanced placement and credit.

Syllabus Development Guide Ap Calculus


Welcome to Mathematics E-15: Calculus 1

Course Information: personnel, textbook, grading, calculators, extra help, accessibility services
Schedule of Topics: what we'll be learning each week
Schedule of Assignments: when homework is due and when exams take place
Homework Policies: how to submit your homework and not lose points unnecessarily
Exam Policies: how and where to take exams and how to submit proctor information for distance students
Textbook FAQ: answers to textbook-related questions students often ask (and tips to get an inexpensive book)
Prerequisite FAQ: recommended background, the optional placement test, course preparation suggestions
Credit Status FAQ: information to help you choose undergraduate, graduate, or noncredit status
Online-only course FAQ: how we designed this online-only version of Math E-15 specifically for online learners
Questionnaire: please either (1) download this file, fill it in and save it on your own machine, then upload it to Canvas (below) or (2) print it out, write in your answers, and then upload a scan or photo to Canvas. [All questionnaire responses will be kept confidential. The questionnaire is a way for me to get to know you; you are welcome to skip any questions you choose.]
Additional Problems(4th edition, 5th edition, 6th edition): suggested extra problems from the three most recent editions of the recommended textbook
Graduate Credit Information: format, grading, and goals for the seminar for graduate credit students.
Graduate Credit Handouts (print each before watching the video):Day One • Day Two • Day Three • Day Four, the Supplementfor extra reading on limits, the applet we will use to explore the epsilon-delta definition of the limit
Graduate Credit Lessons: Lesson Ideas topics for your lessons, the rubric for the lessons you will present
Week One Content

If you haven't registered and would like a small taste of what this online-only course is like, you can access the Week One videos and interactive applets below. As a registered student, you would also have access to

  • chalkboard photos from the end of each video and a list of key ideas for each video
  • discussion prompts for each applet where you can answer a question and read other students' answers
  • multiple Check Your Understanding quizzes each week that allow you to test if you have learned the material without affecting your grade (and get specific feedback tailored to any incorrect answer you provide and a chance to take the quiz again
  • a discussion board for each week where you can post comments and questions and read what your classmates have posted
  • a convenient navigation bar so you can easily move between various parts of the course content for each week
  • all the video content for the entire course, available as soon as you register
  1. video: Introduction to Precalculus Review
  2. video: What is a Function?
  3. video: Linear Functions
  4. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  5. video: Exponential Functions, Part 1
  6. applet: Graphs of Exponential Functions
  7. video: Exponential Functions, Part 2
  8. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  9. video: Compound Interest
  10. applet: A Compound Interest Problem
  11. video: A Special Number
  12. video: New Functions from Old Functions
  13. video: The Graph of y=f(x)+k
  14. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of f(x)+k
  15. video: The Graph of y=kf(x)
  16. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=kf(x)
  17. video: The Graph of y=f(x+k)
  18. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=f(x+k)
  19. video: The Graph of y=f(kx)
  20. applet: The Effect of k on the Graph of y=f(kx)
  21. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  22. video: Composite Functions
  23. video: Inverse Functions, Part 1
  24. applet: How are the graphs of f(x) and its inverse related?
  25. video: Inverse Functions, Part 2
  26. Check Your Understanding Quiz (requires registration)
  27. Graduate Seminar Videos:

We will be using Zoom for the graduate seminar presentations for distance graduate credit students. Harvard has provided contact informationfor you to get help if you have technical difficulties with Zoom.

Eric has written some suggestions on using Zoom including some important notes on presenting your lessons.

Calculus BC is a full-year course in the calculus of functions of a single variable. It includes all topics covered in Calculus AB plus additional topics. Both courses represent college-level mathematics for which most colleges grant advanced placement and credit.

Syllabus Development Guide Ap Calculus

Syllabus Precalculus

  1. Please note that is just a sample syllabus, actual syllabi for the various sections of the course will likely be different each semester. Different instructors may choose somewhat different material. The number of class sessions varies between fall and spring semesters, Monday-Wednesday and Tuesday.
  2. HW1. HW2. HW3. HW3a. HW4. HW5. HW6. HW7. HW7a. HW8. HW9: Week One Content: If you haven't registered and would like a small taste of what this online-only course is like, you can access the Week One videos and interactive applets below.
  3. Welcome to Mathematics E-15: Calculus I Please ignore what Canvas may display at the right about assignment weights and instead read the grading schemes in the Course Information file below; Canvas isn't able to display our grading scheme properly.
  4. Calculus, Volume 1: One-Variable Calculus, with An Introduction to Linear Algebra. Waltham, Mass: Blaisdell, 1967. 2 will be needed for those who wish to continue on to 18.024 Multivariable calculus with theory.).

The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics ofcourse grading. You can add any other comments, notes, or thoughts you have about the coursestructure, course policies or anything else.

Ap Calculus Syllabus Pdf

To add some comments, click the 'Edit' link at the top.

Course Summary:


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